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Rondebosch Common - Table Mountain Corridor

Rondebosch Common is a small but valuable fragment of Cape Flats Sand Fynbos that needs our protection because of the natural heritage it holds. The way Communitree does this is by helping re-connect the plants, insects and birds of Table Mountain to Rondebosch Common by creating fynbos patches that behave as fueling stations for the insects and birds as they fly over residential areas. At each of these fynbos patches the birds and insect can rest and refuel with food in the form of pollen and nectar. While they do this they cross-pollinate between each patch and betwen Table Mountain and Rondebosch Common. This help keep each population of plant, insect and bird from being isolated from others of its kind.

This corridor passes through areas of Mowbray and Little Mowbray, Rosebank, and UCT. We actively try to set up new gardens in these various areas in order to provide stepping stones. In order to convert abandoned or underutilised public spaces and reintroduce locally indigenous plants that will attract indigenous insects and birds that used to be in the area.

We have identified potential sites in a variety of places including a few parks, road verges, schools, river canals, and borders of parking lots. We have started working on a number of these sites but we invite the public to review the potential garden sites and to consider starting a Communitree garden in these sites.

The area consists of Penisula Shale Renosterveld (along the slopes of Table Mountain) as well as Cape Flats Sand Fynbos. Both vegetation types are endemic to Cape Town and critically endangered. Creating indigenous gardens using the right species can therefore make a difference in the conservation of these vegetation types.

Photo credit: Table Mountain seen from Rondebosch Common in 2016. photo: Zaian, Wikipedia

Ryan Road Park


This piece of land is located right off the subway and it has seen better times. Overgrown grass dominates the terrain and the remains of a seating area can be seen. With the support of people in the community we would like to clean up this space. The land belongs to Metrorail and we have received permission to work on cleaning it up. We have listed some plant species as initial inspiration, but we are open to any suggestions and ideas. For the next raining season our goal is for expanding the patch of this garden so that we can plant more indigenous species, we want to have more planting area and less grass in the middle of the garden.

We work on this piece of land generally on Wednesdays, 16.00-17.00. Check out upcoming events to see if we are here coming Wednesday. We also have Saturday events. Come join us!

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N2 patch


This sites sits on the corner of the N2 and Liesbeek Parkway, adjacent to Damlin in Mowbray. It is a large patch of grass that has recently been fenced. Since then it has been used more, seemingly because people feel contained.

Carol plans to extend the existing honeysuckle patch with a row honeysuckle plants of four different colours. She will also be planting spekboom. Carol will add sunbird-friendly plants to this patch to add to the number of patches of green forming sunbird stepping-stones linking Table Mountain to Rondebosch Common.

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Site ID
-33.94492, 18.47622
Approximate size
Species Quantity
Lampranthus emarginatus 200
Tecoma capensis 100
Chasmanthe aethiopica 100
Chasmanthe floribunda 100
Watsonia spectabilis 100
Zantedeschia aethiopica 100
Eriocephalus africanus 70
Helichrysum patulum 30
Salvia africana-caerulea 15

Chapel Road Sidewalk


Corner piece where pedestrians go but it could be enhanced by some nice plants along the side. We have to make sure pedestrians still have access to this shortcut.

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Site ID
-33.95385, 18.47083
Approximate size
Species Quantity
Lampranthus amoenus 80
Cotyledon orbiculata 40
Aloe arborescens 20

Koornhoop Corner


Grassy patch with some trees but otherwise not too appealing yet. The idea is to first work on adding nice vegetation next to the path that cuts across.

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Thandokhulu High


Thandokhulu High is a school ground with a lot of potential. What is identified as a need is shade for students at break, some green to beautify the school and an outdoor classroom where students and Mr Faizel the life sciences teacher can interact directly with the subject matter described in their textbooks. A group of eager students and staff are already growing plants for their sunbird garden. Together with the Cape Bird Club and the Iingcungcu Sunbird Project, Communitree plans to establish an indigenous garden at this high school in 2018 and continue growing it over the coming 5 years.

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Cecil Park


Cecil Park is located on a corner between Rhodes Avenue and Cecil Road. The park contains a grass field in the centre with swings and benches. There are various trees on the plot as well. On the sides there are beds with a large variety of plant species. Some are indigenous, some are not. Local resident Jacques Claasen is very active in maintaining the park and he is continuously planting new species and looks after the plants.

We aim to help Jacques by providing indigenous plants that can enhance the species present in Cecil Park. Due to the proximity to Table Mountain, this is furthermore an important site to plant sunbird and sugarbird friendly species that help create a stepping stone corridor for the birds.

Right next to this site are two other plots that are part of our greening efforts here together with Jacques.

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Site ID
-33.95026, 18.46926
Approximate size
Species Quantity

Mowbray Walkway


This site forms part of the Liesbeek to Black river corridor, and it borders a walkway. It runs through the Little Mowbray business district towards the M5 bridge, which crosses over the Black River.

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Site ID
-33.94745, 18.48413
Approximate size
Species Quantity
Salvia africana-lutea 0
Arctotis stoechadifolia 0
Solanum africanum 0
Cotyledon orbiculata 0
Carpobrotus edulis 0
Elegia tectorum 0
Pelargonium capitatum 0
Ruschia macowanii 0
Eriocephalus africanus 0

Spek Plek


Situated next to the Liesbeek river, on a traffic island, between Klipfontein road and Gloucester road, next to St George´s Grammar School. This was previously a completely abandoned patch, with invasive grass and nothing else growing here. Thanks to the tireless efforts of a group of local volunteers, this patch is now a thriving fynbos garden!

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Site ID
-33.94796, 18.4779
Approximate size
Species Quantity

Ouma/Erin Corner Patch


This is a great corner plot that is just across from the Liesbeek River. It's a big grassy patch that gets quite some sun. There is lots of potential. We have started by removing some of the grass along the wall, and have started planting various indigenous species here. Our goal is to have a garden along the wall, then a path that runs through it, and then another garden instead of all the grass further up. This could be a colourful display with flowers instead of this green patch that requires constant mowing!

This site is located on the corner of Alma Road and Liesbeek Parkway.

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Site ID
-33.95415, 18.4752
Approximate size
Species Quantity
Carpobrotus edulis 100
Chasmanthe floribunda 50
Agapanthus africanus 50
Cotyledon orbiculata 50
Salvia africana-lutea 20


Species Notes
Arctotheca calendula Easy to grow
Arctotis stoechadifolia Easy to grow
Carpobrotus acinaciformis Easy to grow
Carpobrotus edulis Easy to grow
Gazania rigens var. rigens Easy to grow
Gazania rigens var. uniflora Easy to grow
Eriocephalus africanus Easy to grow
Metalasia muricata Easy to grow
Pelargonium capitatum Easy to grow
Pelargonium cucullatum Easy to grow
Tetragonia fruticosa Easy to grow
Seriphium plumosum Easy to grow
Solanum africanum
Plectranthus neochilus Easy to grow

Cape Flats Sand Fynbos medicinal

Species Notes
Aristea africana
Carpobrotus edulis Easy to grow
Morella quercifolia
Osteospermum moniliferum Easy to grow
Pelargonium betulinum Easy to grow
Pelargonium capitatum Easy to grow
Pelargonium cucullatum Easy to grow
Protea repens Easy to grow
Zantedeschia aethiopica

Penisula Shale Renosterveld medicinal

Species Notes
Chironia baccifera
Dietes iridioides Easy to grow
Eriocephalus africanus Easy to grow
Helichrysum patulum
Myrsine africana
Zantedeschia aethiopica

Penisula Shale Renosterveld nectar-rich (Iingcungcu)

Species Notes
Chasmanthe aethiopica Easy to grow
Chasmanthe floribunda Easy to grow
Watsonia spectabilis

Cape Flats Sand Fynbos and nectar-rich (Iingcungcu)

Species Notes
Albuca juncifolia Easy to grow
Erica mammosa
Erica verticillata Easy to grow
Lachenalia reflexa Easy to grow
Leucospermum conocarpodendron
Protea burchellii
Protea repens Easy to grow
Salvia lanceolata
Watsonia meriana


Genus Species Quantity
Agapanthus Agapanthus africanus 260
Aloe Aloe arborescens 35
Arctotis Arctotis stoechadifolia 0
Artemisia Artemisia afra 10
Buddleja Buddleja saligna 3
Carpobrotus Carpobrotus edulis 130
Chasmanthe Chasmanthe aethiopica 190
Chasmanthe Chasmanthe floribunda 380
Chironia Chironia baccifera 100
Cotyledon Cotyledon orbiculata 150
Dietes Dietes iridioides 140
Elegia Elegia tectorum 0
Eriocephalus Eriocephalus africanus 130
Gazania Gazania rigens var. uniflora 40
Helichrysum Helichrysum patulum 170
Kiggelaria Kiggelaria africana 3
Lachenalia Lachenalia reflexa 50
Lampranthus Lampranthus amoenus 80
Lampranthus Lampranthus emarginatus 200
Leonotis Leonotis leonurus 10
Leucadendron Leucadendron argenteum 48
Myrsine Myrsine africana 130
Pelargonium Pelargonium capitatum 0
Plectranthus Plectranthus neochilus 100
Ruschia Ruschia macowanii 0
Salvia Salvia africana-caerulea 65
Salvia Salvia africana-lutea 20
Solanum Solanum africanum 0
Tecoma Tecoma capensis 100
Watsonia Watsonia meriana 15
Watsonia Watsonia spectabilis 180
Zantedeschia Zantedeschia aethiopica 195

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