Communitree closed operations in 2022; this is an archived website. Read more

Start a garden

Are you keen to convert an overgrown, abandoned, or barren plot into an indigenous garden? Communitree is here to support you! Our goal is to create a stepping stone corridor that connects various existing nature reserves through urbanised Cape Town.

I already have a plot in mind

Great! Please check to see if your plot fits within our Corridor Coverage Target Area. If it is, then we are happy to explore the options to include the plot in our garden network! These are the steps to take:

  1. Find out who owns the land. Get permission from the owner (you can work through the Ward Councillor if it is city land) to work here.
  2. See if there are any other local residents who are keen to help. Working in a group makes all the difference!
  3. Together with all the interested people, try to make a rough plan for the garden. What does everybody want? How do people envision the garden looking in a year? In 5 years?
  4. See if your plot could fit within any of our existing projects or corridors.

Provide us with all the information that you can from step 1-4 and we'll try to schedule a site visit as soon as we can!

I do not yet have a plot in mind

No problem! Communitree already has about 40 potential gardens identified! You can view them here. Browse the map and see if there are any plots that you would like to work on. If so, get in touch with us to discuss how we can take this forward.

If the potential gardens are too far from you, then we can also help find a plot near your place (do note that it should be within the Corridor Coverage Target Area). Please get in touch and we will reach out to our volunteer network to find a new place in your area.

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Our sponsors

We thank our 2019 sponsors for their support in our work. If your company or organisation wants to help support Communitree, click here to get in touch.