Communitree closed operations in 2022; this is an archived website. Read more

Seeds and Cuttings

At Communitree we need YOUR help to green Cape Town. One of the things we need help with is building up our stock of baby plants / plant cuttings, and seeds. These form the basis for greening various parts of the city, and in the Communitree process, these plants are donated by volunteers who get them from their own garden or consenting neighbours. We believe that we should not be buying seedlings from nurseries, but that WE, the community, should work together to grow the plants that the city needs. Do you have any indigenous plants to share? Join us now!

The plants that we need are listed below. These are based on our greening strategy and we have listed the quantities that are currently requested by people in different communities to green their public and private spaces. If you have other species available but they are not on the list, be sure to contact us. Note: we strongly prefer indigenous species that help restore Cape Town's vegetation cover.

If you don't have these species yet but you would love to make some space available in your garden, on your balcony or on your window sill, then read more here about how to set up a home-nursery for Communitree!

Quantity Scientific Name Common Name Can you help?
3564 Carpobrotus edulis Sour fig I have some!
2035 Lampranthus amoenus I have some!
1500 Crassula dejecta doily crassula I have some!
1310 Lampranthus bicolor Bicoloured lampranthus I have some!
1260 Agapanthus africanus Cape agapanthus I have some!
1170 Chasmanthe floribunda Cobra lily I have some!
921 Chasmanthe aethiopica Small cobra lily I have some!
900 Spiloxene aquatica Water Capestar I have some!
701 Gazania pectinata I have some!
650 Lachenalia reflexa Yellow soldier I have some!
600 Albuca juncifolia Slime lily I have some!
570 Cotyledon orbiculata Pig's ear I have some!
526 Sparaxis bulbifera I have some!
520 Chasmanthe floribunda 'Duckittii' Yellow cobra lily I have some!
500 Bulbine frutescens Snake flower I have some!
461 Pelargonium capitatum Rose-scented pelargonium I have some!
440 Senecio talinoides subs. aizoides I have some!
400 Gazania rigens var. rigens Clumping Gazania I have some!
350 Zantedeschia aethiopica White arum lily I have some!
270 Lampranthus glaucus Yellow noon flower I have some!
243 Leonotis leonurus Lion's Tail I have some!
229 Eriocephalus africanus Wild rosemary I have some!
220 Chasmanthe bicolor Red-and-green cobra lily I have some!
200 Lampranthus emarginatus I have some!
200 Dorotheanthus bellidiformis Buck Bay vygie I have some!
191 Helichrysum patulum Honeyeverlasting I have some!
180 Watsonia spectabilis I have some!
180 Plectranthus neochilus Lobster bush I have some!
173 Aloe arborescens Kranz aloe I have some!
160 Ruschia geminiflora I have some!
160 Dietes iridioides Wood iris I have some!
152 Aloiampelos commixta Peninsula Rambling aloe I have some!
148 Salvia africana-lutea Brown Sage I have some!
130 Myrsine africana Cape Myrtle I have some!
120 Felicia aethiopica Wild aster I have some!
100 Watsonia angusta I have some!
100 Chironia baccifera Christmas berry I have some!
100 Tecoma capensis Cape honeysuckle I have some!
84 Arctotis stoechadifolia Silver arctotis I have some!
80 Seriphium plumosum Kooigoed I have some!
78 Lachenalia aloides Opal flower I have some!
75 Salvia africana-caerulea Blue sage I have some!
72 Aloe ferox Bitter aloe I have some!
61 Erica verticillata I have some!
60 Watsonia meriana Bugle lily I have some!
55 Kniphofia tabularis Red Hot Poker I have some!
52 Agathosma apiculata Garlic buchu I have some!
50 Leucospermum gueinzii I have some!
50 Lampranthus filicaulis I have some!
50 Protea cynaroides King Protea I have some!
50 Aloe succotrina Fynbos Aloe I have some!
50 Struthiola striata Roemenaggie I have some!
48 Leucadendron argenteum Silver tree I have some!
43 Osteospermum moniliferum Tickberry I have some!
40 Gazania rigens var. uniflora Treasure flower I have some!
35 Haemanthus coccineus March flower I have some!
35 Melianthus major Touch-me-not I have some!
32 Protea repens Sugarbush I have some!
31 Artemisia afra Wormwood I have some!
30 Salvia lanceolata Rusty sage I have some!
26 Aloe plicatilis Fan aloe I have some!
25 Pelargonium betulinum Camphor-scented pelargonium I have some!
24 Solanum africanum I have some!
20 Tetragonia fruticosa Churl bush I have some!
19 Lessertia frutescens Cancer bush I have some!
18 Crassula ovata Kerky bush I have some!
17 Helichrysum petiolare Everlasting I have some!
15 Carissa macrocarpa Num-num I have some!
15 Protea burchellii I have some!
15 Erica mammosa Nine-pin Heath I have some!
15 Otholobium bracteolatum Cape Town pea I have some!
13 Brunsvigia orientalis Candelabra flower I have some!
10 Leucospermum oleifolium I have some!
10 Protea coronata I have some!
10 Protea neriifolia Oleander-leaf protea I have some!
9 Carpobrotus acinaciformis Elands sour fig I have some!
7 Ruschia macowanii Sea Tentfig I have some!
7 Pelargonium cucullatum Hooded-leaf pelargonium I have some!
7 Morella quercifolia Oak-leafed waxberry I have some!
6 Microloma sagittatum Bokhoring I have some!
5 Tarchonanthus camphoratus Camphor bush I have some!
5 Buddleja saligna False olive I have some!
5 Leucospermum conocarpodendron Grey tree pincushion I have some!
4 Buddleja salviifolia Sagewood I have some!
4 Vachellia karroo Sweet thorn I have some!
3 Kiggelaria africana Wild peach I have some!
2 Coleonema album Cape may I have some!
1 Dodonaea angustifolia Sand olive I have some!
0 Euryops pectinatus Golden euryops I have some!
0 Elegia tectorum Cape thatching reed I have some!

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