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Aspalathus retroflexa

Aspalathus retroflexa

Aspalathus retroflexa

Scientific name

A small erect shrub occuring in sandy soils of Fynbos regions. Flowers September to December.

Seeds are viable for six years and germinate after fire but both seed and root cuttings are difficult to grow.

Could be critically endangered, depending on subspecies it is identified as.

Very difficult to grow.

References and further reading

PlantZAfrica profile »

Seedbank Quantity
Arundel Seedbank 50
Total 50
We currently have no plants of this species in our home nurseries. Do you have any plants or do you know where we can get some? Get in touch!

Important characteristics

Conservation status: Least Concern

This species was selected because it has various important characteristics.

It provides food for:


Aspalathus retroflexa is indigenous to: Cape Flats Sand Fynbos

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