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Fynbos Corridor Collaboration

photo: S Molteno, Wikimedia

In collaboration with Ingcungcu and Greenpop, we are developing a developing a protocol and a set of guidelines around fynbos corridor building in Cape Town called the Fynbos Corridor Collaboration (FCC). Rather than this project being purely about the actual corridor building work, the FCC instead focuses on bringing together a number of organisations and defining how each of the organisations can ensure that their work is complementary to other fynbos restoration and conservation work in Cape Town.

Communitree is one of the founding members of the FCC, and thanks to funding from the Table Mountain Fund, we are able to trial and document our work during a 3 year period (2019-2021). During this period, we will bring together different organisations, specialists, and community groups to discuss what the best location, route, and protocols are for an urban fynbos corridor.

The FCC will encourage other organisations, community groups, and individuals to follow the same protocols and to join in this large corridor-building project. This will allow for Communitree's work in public space to be in line with other work done in private space, as well as work by the city and others in parks and other public spaces.

Where needed or useful, Communitree will modify its Corridor Coverage Target Area, to ensure maximum overlap with the corridors defined by the FCC.

For more information, check out the website of the Fynbos Corridor Collaboration.


Many thanks to the following partner(s) with whom we collaborate in this project.

This work is made possible, in part, by the following organisation(s).

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