Jun 27, 2018
We have succesfully completed our mass Sour Fig Planting Campaign planting out the 900 individual Sour Fig (Carpobrotus Edulis) plants donated by the Friends of the Liesbeek and that was harvested along the Liesbeek River.
The sour fig was planted out at 7 different sites over 10 days at the end of May and begining of June with the help of several volunteers, companies and schools.
The sour fig was planted out at several of our priority sites namely Ryan Road Park, Kornhoop Corner, Liesbeek Parkway, San Souci Bridge, Cecil Park, Alma Park, Alma Bridge and along the N2.
We would like to thank all those involved in creating a solid foundation of groundcover for our pritoty sites inorder to allow for the long term rehabilitation and establihsment of these sites as stepping stone corridors for wildlife to move through and for our fynbos biodiveristy to increase. We would like to specially thank Gordon's Gym and Kaydee Daycare who came out with their team and their kids to help.
We will contine to monitor the plants in the upcoming months to see how they respond to their new environments. We are confident that the plants will flourish in these sites and in turn deter the regrowth of weeds and grass as the sour fig is a hardy and easily adapatable plant.
As usual, we keep close track of the plants that we receive and what happens to them. To view a report that shows all of these details, please click here.