Mass sour fig planting campaign

Jun 03, 2018

Recently through the Friends of the Liesbeek we have been able to get a huge batch of sour fig. We now need help planting them in our priority spaces! We are calling on volunteers to help us with this in the coming week.

Last week, the Friends of the Liesbeek worked on clearing a path next to the river, just off the N2, where large fields of sour fig (carpobrotus edulis) had grown into a thick mat. This indigenous plant is well known as a great species to plant when doing a restoration project, because it can replace grass, restore the soil, and provide a suitable habitat for more fragile indigenous species to be planted in following years.

We have worked hard over the weekend to recover as much of the sour fig as possible. During two events we have been able to get 900 of the cut plants into our nursery. However, these plants must now be planted out as soon as possible. We are therefore calling on people in the area to help us!

Here is how it works. We have identified two very suitable locations. You can see them below:

Ryan Road Park

Next to the train station in Rosebank.

Koornhoop Corner

On the corner of Strubens Road and Koornhoop Road in Mowbray

At these two abandoned public spaces the sour fig will be a great replacement for the grass. In the coming week (June 4-10) we have made available a list of time slots during which we at Communitree are available to host planting events at these two sites. But we need human power to make this happen! We need groups of people, anywhere from 4-15 people, who can help with the planting. The work is relatively simple and suitable for all ages. We will generally be removing grass and putting in the sour fig. In a session of 1 hour we can make a HUGE difference.

Our request to you

Assemble a group! As small as 4 people, or as large as 15. Get people excited about contributing to the greening of our public spaces, and look at our calendar to see when this can be done. See which site is of most suitable to you. Then get in touch with us (contact form or at We will make confirm to make sure the slot is still available and we will then get you the plants and see you at the site during the chosen time slot.

What you need

Enthusiasm. That is really all that is needed. If you have them, bring spades (small or large), and gloves. But those are just extras.

Question? Let us know.

Thanks for helping us make our city greener and our public spaces cared for!

Available time slots

Monday-Friday (June 4-8):

7 AM - 8 AM
8 AM - 9 AM
10 AM - 11 AM
1 PM - 2 PM
2 PM - 3 PM
4 PM - 5 PM
5 PM - 6 PM

NOTE: on Friday the morning time slots are unavailable.

Saturday or Sunday (June 9-10):

7 AM - 8 AM
8 AM - 9 AM
10 AM - 11 AM
11 AM - 12 PM
1 PM - 2 PM
2 PM - 3 PM
3 PM - 4 PM
4 PM - 5 PM

Part of the harvest

The harvest site

Flowering sour fig

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