Communitree 2018 winter programme released

May 18, 2018

We have released a calendar with the events that are scheduled for the coming months. Every week at least 3 events are happening, and sometimes more. With the rains this is THE time to be working on public spaces and home nurseries. Be sure to join!

Our winter programme for 2018 has various recurring events, in addition to ad-hoc events. The events focus on our priority sites, located roughly between Mowbray and Newlands, but we also have other events elsewhere. The recurring events are the following:

  • Tuesdays gardening activities (17.00-18.00)
  • Thursdays gardening activities (14.00-15.00)
  • Fridays at volunteer training programme at Westlake Conservation Centre (9.00-12.00)
  • Saturdays (every Saturday EXCEPT the first Saturday of the month) gardening activities (10.00-11.30)
  • First Saturday of the month volunteer training sessions (10.00-11.30)

We have events for people from all backgrounds, levels of experience, capabilities, and interests. All our events, unless otherwise stated, are free of charge, and we try to have events that can be reached relatively easily with public transport or bicycle. We try to get everybody involved in gardening and public greening, and we need YOUR help! So join us now, and tell your friends and family about these events as well. Questions? Get in touch!

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