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Ryan Road Park Community Event

Sunday May 13, 2018 | 10:00-11:00

Hi everyone!

We are a group of local residents who like to make Rosebank greener and safer. We work hard to make public open space better. Our goals are to:

• Use indigenous, water-wise vegetation
• Beautify spaces
• Clean up litter
• Increase public safety
• Create places for families, youth and elderly

For almost a year, with permission and support of PRASA, we have been working on Ryan Road Park, an abandoned space between Alma Park and the railroad. But we need YOUR input. How do YOU envision this space? We will do an informal brainstorm session on Sunday March 25 at 10.00-11.00 AM. Come join us!

On this page you find more information of past events, photos, and of ideas that we have for this plot. However, these are just some initial ideas from our side. We would like to invite everyone from the community to provide input. What do you want to see happen to this plot? We have made available a "Sketchpad" for Ryan Road Park. If you want, you can open this Sketchpad online and you can draw your own ideas on a map of the plot. If you have made a new drawing, please send it to us and we will upload it here. E-mail:

You don't need to draw out your ideas on the computer. You can also draw them by hand, or simply show up on Sunday and see what we are thinking about and give your input. Whatever your thoughts, we want to hear them!

Greening Site #15


This piece of land is located right off the subway and it has seen better times. Overgrown grass dominates the terrain and the remains of a seating area can be seen. With the support of people in the ...


Some ideas

Here you see some ideas we have been thinking of. We think it's a good idea to remove parts of the fence. Currently, the whole area is fenced and only one small door provides access. By removing two large pieces of the fence, the area opens up and invites people to come in.

We have set up some raised beds recently, and we want to stock them with indigenous flowers and plants. This should make the plot much more beautiful to look at, while also providing food for insects, birds, and other animals.

To encourage people to sit and walk here, the idea is to add a bench, and to make a walkway through the plot.

Your ideas

What are YOUR ideas? If you like, make a drawing with your own inspiration and ideas! You can go to the Sketchpad website where you can load an empty map of Ryan Road park, and that way you can start your own outline.

  1. Download our Ryan Road Park Sketchfile
  2. Go to Sketchpad
  3. Click OPEN » IMPORT, and select the file
  4. Draw your own map!
  5. Save the file, and e-mail it to so we can include it here.

Coordinates: -33.95392, 18.47316 | Google Maps | Open Street Maps

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