Communitree closed operations in 2022; this is an archived website. Read more

Subway planting

Wednesday Sep 06, 2017 | 15:00-16:00

Time to clean some grass here and put some more useful vegetation here. If you have anything that's on the wish list, please bring it along.

In terms of equipment, this is handy:

- Sheers, cutters
- Spade
- Fork
- Gloves
- Bags for waste

Come anyway even if you don't have any of these. Enthusiasm is the only requirement.

Greening Site #16


This subway entry has a square piece of empty land right at the top. Visibility is always key near subways, so let's not plant any shrubs or bushes, but focus on smaller plants and vegetation....


Coordinates: -33.95806, 18.47292 | Google Maps | Open Street Maps

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