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Liesbeek Parkway road strip planting

Thursday Aug 24, 2017 | 17:00-18:00

It's time to try some new vegetation in between Liesbeek Parkway!

If you have any of the plant species listed in the wish list, feel free to bring them along. We may also need to work a bit on cleaning grass and weeds. In terms of equipment, bring any of the following that you might have:

- Sheers, cutters
- Spade
- Fork
- Gloves
- Bags for waste

Come anyway even if you don't have any of these. Enthusiasm is the only requirement.

Greening Site #21


This strip in the middle of the road has a few plants here and there, but there is a lot of empty space as well. ...


Coordinates: -33.95889, 18.47772 | Google Maps | Open Street Maps

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