There is a small park next to the railway station in Rosebank that is overgrown with grass and in need of a clean-up and some fresh planting. We would like to plant locally indigenous plants in this park so as to support local populations of birds and other creatures, along with making the space more usable for people.
Join us this Saturday at 2pm
Bring any of the following that you might have:
- Weed eater (the grass is really high, we can really use these!)
- Sheers, cutters
- Spade
- Fork
- Gloves
- Bags for waste
- Any of the following indigenous plants:
1. Sour fig (Carpobrotus edulis)
2. Agapanthus (Agapanthus africanus)
3. Cape honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis)
Come anyway even if you don't have any of these. Enthusiasm is the only requirement.