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isiXhosa: Maysakie

Afrikaans: Dawidtjiewortel

Root of David

Root of David

Cissampelos capensis

Scientific name

Cissampelos is a genus of flowering plants in the family Menispermaceae. Various species of this genus have a rich history of traditional use in the treatment of asthma, cough, fever, arthritis, obesity, dysentery, snakebite, jaundice and heart problems, blood pressure and skin-related problems. Moreover, many of these plants were traditionally used as curare applied as arrow poison during hunting.

Rhizomes of this species used medicinally in Western Cape, South Africa for the treatment of boils, glandular swelling, cholera, colic, diabetes and several cancers, to avoid unwanted police attention and for respect from the magistrate (Sustainable Livelihoods Foundation. 2015. The Wild Harvesting of Plant Medicines in Cape Town)

References and further reading

Wikipedia page »

Important characteristics

Conservation status: Least Concern

This species was selected because it has various important characteristics.

It provides medicinal value

Cissampelos capensis is indigenous to: Cape Flats Dune Strandveld Peninsula Shale Renosterveld Cape Flats Dune Strandveld

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