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Slime lily

Slime lily

Albuca juncifolia

Scientific name

30 cm tall plant with quill-like leaves and a drooping yellow flower. Looks best in rocky or sloped areas.

Flowers September to October and visited by solitary bee.

Found in sandy and calcareous flats and requires loose sandy soil and full to semi-shaded position.

Propagation instructions

By seed

Can be grown from seed but must be sown within 6 months of harvesting takes 3 years to flower. Sow in Autumn and keep warm, moist and in moderate light.

By cutting

Easiest grown from offset (

References and further reading

Learn more »

Wikipedia page »

Image credit: Pieter Edelman
We currently have no seeds of this species in our seedbanks. Do you have any seeds or do you know where we can get some? Get in touch!

This table below shows how many plants we are trying to obtain for this species.

Site Area Quantity
Site #62 Newlands 200
Site #67 Rondebosch 50
Site #68 Rondebosch 100
Site #69 Rondebosch 100
Site #70 Rondebosch 30
Site #65 Rondebosch 20
Site #71 Rondebosch 50
Site #72 Rondebosch 50
Total 600

Important characteristics

Conservation status: Least Concern

This species was selected because it has various important characteristics.

Easy to grow

It provides food for:

Southern double-collared sunbird

Albuca juncifolia is indigenous to: Cape Flats Sand Fynbos

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