Ammocharis longifolia
Scientific name
The name Malgas lily is taken from the abundance of this bulb in the Malgas area near the Breede River in the Cape. It is one of South Africa's showiest bulb species especially when seen flowering en masse.The plants can be grown from seed, which should be sown as soon as possible once ripe. The seeds of Ammocharis species sometimes start to germinate even before they fall. A coarse medium, such as river sand, is ideal and seedlings must be kept moist.
It is also possible to separate bulbs from mature plants that multiply under the ground. Another method of propagation is to cut away a small section of the bulb base where the roots form and plant this in a coarse medium. Bulblets should appear at the base within a few months. This must be done in the vegetative stage of the plant i.e. just before the leaves appear in winter.
Conservation status: Least Concern
This species was selected because it has various important characteristics.
Good potplant
Attracts butterflies
It provides food for: