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Sightings Report


Sans Souci Bridge Patch


Friday Mar 29, 2019

Reported by

Piet Van Aswegen


This report contains some birds captured during Bird Monitering at the RIVER TRUNK and the SANS SOUCI BRIDGE PATCH. Species included are: Helmeted Guineafowl, Red-wing Starling, Cape White-eyed and Egyptian Geese.

 Midmorning the PATCH was also visited by Egyptian Geese. An African Harrier Hawk sat on a few trees next to the PATCH and in the river. As usual Bronze Mannikins and Swee Waxbills also showed up. Hadida Ibis, Egyptian Geese and the Harrier Hawk bathed in the river; Geese and Ibis meters apart in the pool next to the PATCH and the Hawk about 30 meters downstream. 

Interesting to note that the Geese grazed at the PATCH and seemed to liked seed of grass in the Patch - see pictures.

Identified animal: Helmeted Guineafowl

Identified animal: Red-winged Starling

Identified animal: Egyptian Goose

Identified animal: Egyptian Goose

Identified animal: Egyptian Goose

Identified animal: African Harrier Hawk

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