Communitree closed operations in 2022; this is an archived website. Read more

St. Alban's Patch - Site #60

A recently cleared bank on the Liesbeek river. The LMP team has removed invasives from the bank. It was just a huge lantana hedge with ginger, crofton weed, spiderwort etc. Serious potential to become one of THE spots to enjoy along the river. Great view of the mountain, reasonable water level being close to the river. Currently mostly planted with Asparagus and Sour Fig as initial rehabilitation. Once these species establish and suppress invasives they can be removed to put in other species and improve diversity.

Read more about
Friends of the Liesbeek

Friends of the Liesbeek

Group associated with this site

Garden checklist

  • Initial assessment In progress
  • Removal of invasive aliens In progress
  • Landscaping Pending
  • Planting of pioneers species In progress
  • Planting of insect and bird species Pending
  • Planting of specialist species Pending
  • Place-making Pending

Planting log

At this site we have planted the following species:

Species Batch Date Quantity Status
Chasmanthe floribunda Batch #71 Mar 21, 2018 30 planted
Pelargonium capitatum Batch #177 Mar 07, 2019 9 planted


This garden is part of the following corridor(s):

Liesbeek River Corridor

Status: Ongoing

Timeframe: 2018 onwards

Wish List

Below is the list with the different species that can be grown on this site. These species would contribute to the greening of , and would fit in with a wider greening strategy for Cape Town. However, this vision is only a proposal and we invite you to comment on it. Are there any other species that would do well? Are there particular uses for this site that we should take into consideration? Do you have a spectacular vision for the plot? Do you have any ideas to involve the wider community? Please let us know!

Wish List Overview

Item Quantity Pledge support
Bugle lily
Watsonia meriana
10 I can help!
Cobra lily
Chasmanthe floribunda
30 I can help!
Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
10 I can help!
White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
60 I can help!
Wood iris
Dietes iridioides
20 I can help!

If you can help growing any of these species, click the blue button in the table above.

Past activities

Date Time Title More details
Sunday 03 Dec 2017 17:00-18:00 Initial cleaning, planning and exploring along the Liesbeek Read more
Wednesday 10 Apr 2019 02:20-02:45 Garden Tour 4 Read more
Friday 26 Apr 2019 07:00-19:00 iNaturalist City Nature Challenge Read more

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