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Dixton traffic island - Site #36

Some low-growing plants will make this bare traffic island much nicer.

Potential garden site

This site has been identified as a potential site for an indigenous garden. Are you keen to take this forward? Get in touch!

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Wish List

Below is the list with the different species that can be grown on this site. These species would contribute to the greening of , and would fit in with a wider greening strategy for Cape Town. However, this vision is only a proposal and we invite you to comment on it. Are there any other species that would do well? Are there particular uses for this site that we should take into consideration? Do you have a spectacular vision for the plot? Do you have any ideas to involve the wider community? Please let us know!

Wish List Overview

Item Quantity Pledge support
Lampranthus amoenus 30 I can help!

If you can help growing any of these species, click the blue button in the table above.

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