Mother Nursery

Species In Stock
Brown Sage (Salvia africana-lutea) 60
Wild rosemary (Eriocephalus africanus) 309
Kranz aloe (Aloe arborescens) 2
Camphor-scented pelargonium (Pelargonium betulinum) 3
Tickberry (Osteospermum moniliferum) 87
Sour fig (Carpobrotus edulis) 12
Lion's Tail (Leonotis leonurus) 85
Wormwood (Artemisia afra) 11
Everlasting (Helichrysum petiolare) 30
Cape agapanthus (Agapanthus africanus) 59
Pig's ear (Cotyledon orbiculata) 39
Small cobra lily (Chasmanthe aethiopica) 14
Cobra lily (Chasmanthe floribunda) 8
Touch-me-not (Melianthus major) 72
Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) 2
Trailing Iceplant (Delosperma cooperi) 24
White arum lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica ) 18
Snake flower (Bulbine frutescens) 3
Wild aster (Felicia aethiopica) 5
Rose-scented pelargonium (Pelargonium capitatum ) 34
Treasure flower (Gazania rigens var. uniflora) 8
Silver sweet pea bush (Podalyria sericea) 6
Wild peach (Kiggelaria africana) 3
Dimorphotheca pluvialis 40
Gazania pectinata 1
White Bristle Bush (Metalasia muricata ) 65
doily crassula (Crassula dejecta) 73
Carpet pea (Otholobium virgatum ) 72
Fountain bush (Psoralea pinnata) 6
Pelargonium myrrhifolium 1
Slime lily (Albuca juncifolia) 144
Elephants Food (Portulacaria afra) 86
Lampranthus filicaulis 4
Yellow noon flower (Lampranthus glaucus) 12
Ruschia geminiflora 3
Erica verticillata 42
Kofffiepit (Wachendorfia paniculata) 21
Browneye Capestar (Spiloxene canaliculata) 40
Cluster Spiderhead (Serruria glomerata) 18
Churl bush (Tetragonia fruticosa) 28
Wild Almond (Brabejum stellatifolium) 5
Cape Beech (Rapanea melanophloeos) 1
Spekboom (Portulacaria afra) 36
Wild plum (Harpephyllum caffrum) 4
White Ironwood (Vepris lanceolata) 1
Outeniqua yellowwood (Afrocarpus falcatus) 2
Bladder-nut (Diospyros whyteana) 2
Mickey-mouse bush (Ochna serrulata) 4
Pompon tree (Dais cotinifolia) 1
red stinkwood, African almond (Prunus africana) 2
Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicum) 1
Cape thatching reed (Elegia tectorum) 18
Silver arctotis (Arctotis stoechadifolia) 54
Solanum africanum 1
The Dentist Athanasia (Athanasia dentata) 70
Narrow-leaved iceplant (Conicosia pugioniformis ) 1
Ice Plant Bush (Lampranthus aurantiacus) 15
Lavender (Lavandula) 1
Bush violet (Barleria obtusa) 3
strawberry spiderhead ( Serruria foeniculacea.) 249
Total 2021

Frances Taylor


At this nursery Communitree seeds and plants will stay as they move to and from volunteers.
This nursery started operating in May 2018

Chasmanthe aethiopica

Small cobra lily

Progress photos

Spiloxene canaliculata

Browneye Capestar

Pelargonium capitatum

Rose-scented pelargonium

Progress photos

Albuca juncifolia

Slime lily

Progress photos

Lampranthus glaucus

Yellow noon flower

Progress photos

Protea repens


Progress photos

Eriocephalus africanus

Wild rosemary

Aloe arborescens

Kranz aloe

Searsia crenata

Dune crow-berry

Progress photos

Progress photos

Crassula dejecta

doily crassula

Progress photos

Afrocarpus falcatus

Outeniqua yellowwood

Vepris lanceolata

White Ironwood

Diospyros whyteana


Ochna serrulata

Mickey-mouse bush

Kiggelaria africana

Wild peach

Prunus africana

red stinkwood, African almond

Ligustrum japonicum

Japanese privet

Agapanthus africanus

Cape agapanthus

Leonotis leonurus

Lion's Tail

Delosperma cooperi

Trailing Iceplant

Zantedeschia aethiopica

White arum lily

Arctotis stoechadifolia

Silver arctotis

Otholobium bracteolatum

Cape Town pea

Carpobrotus acinaciformis

Elands sour fig

Elegia tectorum

Cape thatching reed

Dimorphotheca fruticosa

White daisy bush

Gazania rigens var. rigens

Clumping Gazania

Melianthus major


Podalyria sericea

Silver sweet pea bush

Serruria glomerata

Cluster Spiderhead

Gladiolus undulatus

Painted Lady

Pelargonium betulinum

Camphor-scented pelargonium

Baleria repens

small bush violet



Psoralea pinnata

Fountain bush

Tecoma capensis

Cape honeysuckle

Anisodontea scabrosa

rough-leaf African mallow, sand rose, pink mallow, hairy mallow

Portulacaria afra

Elephants Food

Conicosia pugioniformis

Narrow-leaved iceplant

Artemisia afra


Athanasia dentata

The Dentist Athanasia

Helichrysum petiolare



Date Batch ID Quantity Species From To
May 29, 2018 Batch #137 18 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Cornursery Unlimited Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #178 33 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #124 40 Browneye Capestar
Spiloxene canaliculata
Cornursery Unlimited Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #172 21 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #176 53 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #179 3 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Plant cluster #187 Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #125 20 Kofffiepit
Wachendorfia paniculata
Cornursery Unlimited Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #94 144 Slime lily
Albuca juncifolia
Cornursery Unlimited Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #141 30 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #146 46 Silver tree
Leucadendron argenteum
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #129 4 Lampranthus filicaulis Camilla Cul-de-sac Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #131 1 Ruschia geminiflora Camilla Cul-de-sac Mother Nursery
May 29, 2018 Batch #150 70 Sugarbush
Protea repens
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 30, 2018 Batch #131 2 Ruschia geminiflora Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 30, 2018 Batch #150 15 Sugarbush
Protea repens
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 30, 2018 Batch #185 36 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Plant cluster #192 Mother Nursery
May 30, 2018 Batch #132 3 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 30, 2018 Batch #127 6 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 30, 2018 Batch #172 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
May 30, 2018 Batch #184 30 Dune crow-berry
Searsia crenata
Plant cluster #50 Mother Nursery
Jun 02, 2018 Batch #188 350 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Transfer nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 03, 2018 Batch #189 500 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Plant cluster #190 Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2018 Batch #189 30 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 07, 2018 Batch #189 150 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 09, 2018 Batch #190 62 doily crassula
Crassula dejecta
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 09, 2018 Batch #197 65 doily crassula
Crassula dejecta
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Jun 12, 2018 Batch #188 50 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 13, 2018 Batch #188 100 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 18, 2018 Batch #198 20 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Plant cluster #177 Mother Nursery
Jun 18, 2018 Batch #198 10 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Taringana's Nursery
Jun 18, 2018 Batch #198 10 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Schumann's Nursery
Jun 20, 2018 Batch #189 30 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 20, 2018 Batch #188 200 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #206 8 Bladder-nut
Diospyros whyteana
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #233 6 White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #212 22 Wild Almond
Brabejum stellatifolium
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #207 4 Mickey-mouse bush
Ochna serrulata
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #252 3 White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #208 4 Wild plum
Harpephyllum caffrum
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #217 2 red stinkwood, African almond
Prunus africana
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #204 2 Outeniqua yellowwood
Afrocarpus falcatus
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #221 83 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Plant cluster #177 Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #209 1 Cape Beech
Rapanea melanophloeos
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #218 1 Japanese privet
Ligustrum japonicum
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #205 3 White Ironwood
Vepris lanceolata
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #210 1 Pompon tree
Dais cotinifolia
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 21, 2018 Batch #211 6 Wild peach
Kiggelaria africana
Constantia Private Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 23, 2018 Batch #189 100 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 27, 2018 Batch #189 190 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 28, 2018 Batch #99 12 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Oxford Road Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 28, 2018 Batch #214 11 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
MG Greens Mother Nursery
Jun 28, 2018 Batch #23 4 Cape agapanthus
Agapanthus africanus
Oxford Road Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 28, 2018 Batch #127 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
MG Greens Mother Nursery
Jun 28, 2018 Batch #37 7 Cobra lily
Chasmanthe floribunda
Oxford Road Nursery Mother Nursery
Jul 10, 2018 Batch #220 400 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Plant cluster #35 Mother Nursery
Jul 12, 2018 Batch #288 6 Blue fingers
Curio crassulifolius
Kim Coetzee Mother Nursery
Jul 12, 2018 Batch #245 12 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Plant cluster #46 Mother Nursery
Jul 12, 2018 Batch #76 1 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
KimZee Nursery Mother Nursery
Jul 12, 2018 Batch #229 3 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Plant cluster #203 Mother Nursery
Jul 12, 2018 Batch #235 12 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Plant cluster #203 Mother Nursery
Jul 12, 2018 Batch #226 8 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Plant cluster #203 Mother Nursery
Jul 17, 2018 Batch #99 6 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 17, 2018 Batch #220 30 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 18, 2018 Batch #212 17 Wild Almond
Brabejum stellatifolium
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 19, 2018 Batch #220 120 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 20, 2018 Batch #220 60 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 21, 2018 Batch #151 2 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Potluck nursery Mother Nursery
Jul 21, 2018 Batch #99 6 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 21, 2018 Batch #176 3 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 21, 2018 Batch #222 4 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Potluck nursery Mother Nursery
Jul 21, 2018 Batch #154 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mole End Mother Nursery
Jul 24, 2018 Batch #176 11 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2018 Batch #221 13 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 26, 2018 Batch #226 8 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 26, 2018 Batch #176 14 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 30, 2018 Batch #227 27 Outeniqua yellowwood
Afrocarpus falcatus
Claremont Practice Mother Nursery
Jul 30, 2018 Batch #151 2 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 30, 2018 Batch #220 190 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 30, 2018 Batch #222 4 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 01, 2018 Batch #236 33 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Plant cluster #204 Mother Nursery
Aug 01, 2018 Batch #229 3 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 01, 2018 Batch #237 31 Treasure flower
Gazania rigens var. uniflora
Plant cluster #140 Mother Nursery
Aug 02, 2018 Batch #234 10 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Plant cluster #82 Mother Nursery
Aug 02, 2018 Batch #236 33 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 02, 2018 Batch #232 18 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Plant cluster #82 Mother Nursery
Aug 02, 2018 Batch #237 31 Treasure flower
Gazania rigens var. uniflora
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 06, 2018 Batch #232 18 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 07, 2018 Batch #234 10 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 08, 2018 Batch #135 1 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Rosie's nursery Mother Nursery
Aug 08, 2018 Batch #151 1 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Rosie's nursery Mother Nursery
Aug 08, 2018 Batch #153 2 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Rosie's nursery Mother Nursery
Aug 08, 2018 Batch #235 5 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 13, 2018 Batch #276 800 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Miles Mother Nursery
Aug 14, 2018 Batch #235 6 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 17, 2018 Batch #9 3 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Speckle's Spot Mother Nursery
Aug 17, 2018 Batch #117 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Speckle's Spot Mother Nursery
Aug 17, 2018 Batch #114 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Speckle's Spot Mother Nursery
Aug 17, 2018 Batch #122 11 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Speckle's Spot Mother Nursery
Aug 22, 2018 Batch #122 10 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 23, 2018 Batch #251 8 White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Aug 23, 2018 Batch #249 6 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Gaby's nursery Mother Nursery
Aug 23, 2018 Batch #176 36 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Gaby's nursery Mother Nursery
Aug 23, 2018 Batch #251 8 White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 23, 2018 Batch #127 3 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Gaby's nursery Mother Nursery
Aug 28, 2018 Batch #114 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 28, 2018 Batch #233 6 White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 28, 2018 Batch #252 3 White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 31, 2018 Batch #279 32 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Miles Mother Nursery
Sep 01, 2018 Batch #279 32 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 28, 2018 Batch #144 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Disaster Mother Nursery
Sep 28, 2018 Batch #137 8 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Disaster Mother Nursery
Sep 28, 2018 Batch #150 1 Sugarbush
Protea repens
Disaster Mother Nursery
Oct 09, 2018 Batch #135 1 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2018 Batch #75 3 Lampranthus emarginatus Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2018 Batch #245 3 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2018 Batch #235 1 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2018 Batch #76 1 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2018 Batch #153 2 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2018 Batch #75 3 Lampranthus emarginatus KimZee Nursery Mother Nursery
Oct 11, 2018 Batch #117 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 11, 2018 Batch #276 50 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #284 1 Sugarbush
Protea repens
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #211 3 Wild peach
Kiggelaria africana
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #206 6 Bladder-nut
Diospyros whyteana
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #9 3 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #249 6 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #245 2 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #214 11 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #285 59 Cape agapanthus
Agapanthus africanus
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #178 33 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #281 1 Cobra lily
Chasmanthe floribunda
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #172 4 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #151 1 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #286 2 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #282 2 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #190 60 doily crassula
Crassula dejecta
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #179 3 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #283 5 Outeniqua yellowwood
Afrocarpus falcatus
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #150 85 Sugarbush
Protea repens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #205 2 White Ironwood
Vepris lanceolata
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #146 44 Silver tree
Leucadendron argenteum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #287 6 doily crassula
Crassula dejecta
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #221 51 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #127 10 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #176 61 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 12, 2018 Batch #276 750 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 02, 2018 Batch #122 1 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 02, 2018 Batch #144 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 03, 2018 Batch #127 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Campground Nursery Mother Nursery
Nov 03, 2018 Batch #177 40 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Campground Nursery Mother Nursery
Nov 08, 2018 Batch #221 9 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 09, 2018 Batch #177 24 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 22, 2018 Batch #221 4 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 23, 2018 Batch #176 6 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Gaby's nursery Mother Nursery
Nov 23, 2018 Batch #293 15 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Gaby's nursery Mother Nursery
Dec 12, 2018 Batch #172 19 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Dec 14, 2018 Batch #293 13 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Wildacres
Dec 14, 2018 Batch #177 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Wildacres
Dec 18, 2018 Batch #127 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Dec 18, 2018 Batch #132 3 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Dec 18, 2018 Batch #293 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Jan 20, 2019 Batch #452 60 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jan 31, 2019 Batch #221 6 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Feb 13, 2019 Batch #313 4 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Mother Nursery Kaneeltjie se Kwekery
Feb 13, 2019 Batch #313 7 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Mother Nursery Rooihangertjies se Kwekery
Feb 13, 2019 Batch #313 1 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Mother Nursery Wilderoosmaryn se Kwekery
Feb 13, 2019 Batch #313 2 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Mother Nursery Witgousblom se Kwekery
Feb 13, 2019 Batch #313 19 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Plant cluster #237 Mother Nursery
Mar 07, 2019 Batch #177 9 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 07, 2019 Batch #176 6 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 12, 2019 Batch #245 2 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 12, 2019 Batch #286 2 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 13, 2019 Batch #313 5 Spekboom
Portulacaria afra
Mother Nursery Kusmalva se Kwekery
Mar 15, 2019 Batch #245 1 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 20, 2019 Batch #452 37 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 21, 2019 Batch #227 27 Outeniqua yellowwood
Afrocarpus falcatus
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 26, 2019 Batch #283 5 Outeniqua yellowwood
Afrocarpus falcatus
Mother Nursery Perished
Apr 08, 2019 Batch #149 170 Camphor-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium betulinum
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Apr 08, 2019 Batch #105 81 Pelargonium myrrhifolium Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Apr 09, 2019 Batch #23 100 Cape agapanthus
Agapanthus africanus
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Apr 10, 2019 Batch #370 37 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Arundel Mother Nursery
Apr 10, 2019 Batch #452 12 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Apr 16, 2019 Batch #99 75 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Apr 17, 2019 Batch #141 180 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Apr 22, 2019 Batch #134 40 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Apr 23, 2019 Batch #101 20 Cluster Spiderhead
Serruria glomerata
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Apr 24, 2019 Batch #108 76 Cluster Spiderhead
Serruria glomerata
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
May 06, 2019 Batch #231 250 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
May 08, 2019 Batch #174 115 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
May 09, 2019 Batch #98 100 Painted Lady
Gladiolus undulatus
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
May 14, 2019 Batch #125 1 Kofffiepit
Wachendorfia paniculata
Amsterdam Mother Nursery
May 14, 2019 Batch #142 13 Wild aster
Felicia aethiopica
Amsterdam Mother Nursery
May 14, 2019 Batch #357 80 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Amsterdam Mother Nursery
May 16, 2019 Batch #193 8 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Mother Nursery Perished
May 22, 2019 Batch #385 4 Felicia heterophylla Mother Nursery Perished
May 23, 2019 Batch #357 31 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
May 23, 2019 Batch #142 5 Wild aster
Felicia aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
May 30, 2019 Batch #142 2 Wild aster
Felicia aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
May 30, 2019 Batch #359 8 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
May 30, 2019 Batch #137 14 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
May 30, 2019 Batch #360 8 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
May 30, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
May 31, 2019 Batch #361 13 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
May 31, 2019 Batch #363 6 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
May 31, 2019 Batch #142 1 Wild aster
Felicia aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
May 31, 2019 Batch #364 1 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
May 31, 2019 Batch #360 8 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #359 125 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #362 45 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #368 15 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #369 30 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #361 130 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #363 99 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #360 135 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #364 36 Solanum africanum Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #366 180 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #367 9 Elands sour fig
Carpobrotus acinaciformis
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #358 18 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 05, 2019 Batch #365 21 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Fynbos Life Mother Nursery
Jun 07, 2019 Batch #354 2 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Bukiwe's Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 07, 2019 Batch #356 35 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Bukiwe's Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 10, 2019 Batch #353 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Nadine´s nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 10, 2019 Batch #341 25 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Nadine´s nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 11, 2019 Batch #174 23 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 12, 2019 Batch #366 70 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 13, 2019 Batch #366 30 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 14, 2019 Batch #386 15 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jun 14, 2019 Batch #382 12 Treasure flower
Gazania rigens var. uniflora
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jun 14, 2019 Batch #384 15 Ice Plant Bush
Lampranthus aurantiacus
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jun 14, 2019 Batch #385 13 Felicia heterophylla Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jun 14, 2019 Batch #381 30 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jun 14, 2019 Batch #380 17 White daisy bush
Dimorphotheca fruticosa
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jun 14, 2019 Batch #383 9 Clumping Gazania
Gazania rigens var. rigens
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #391 1 Lampranthus spectabilis Edith Stephen's Park Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #397 1 Lampranthus stenus Edith Stephen's Park Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #371 61 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #392 45 Salvia thermarum Edith Stephen's Park Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #389 20 Lampranthus spectabilis Edith Stephen's Park Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #393 12 small bush violet
Baleria repens
Edith Stephen's Park Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #342 8 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #375 20 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Arundel Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #390 1 Gazania pectinata Edith Stephen's Park Mother Nursery
Jun 19, 2019 Batch #396 1 Lavender
Edith Stephen's Park Mother Nursery
Jun 20, 2019 Batch #357 11 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 20, 2019 Batch #370 4 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 20, 2019 Batch #387 9 Snake flower
Bulbine frutescens
Gaby Mayer Mother Nursery
Jun 20, 2019 Batch #366 20 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 20, 2019 Batch #375 2 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2019 Batch #361 9 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2019 Batch #363 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2019 Batch #362 4 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2019 Batch #371 5 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2019 Batch #357 16 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2019 Batch #134 32 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2019 Batch #141 3 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 21, 2019 Batch #360 3 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 25, 2019 Batch #366 36 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 25, 2019 Batch #398 12 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Jun 25, 2019 Batch #399 12 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Jun 25, 2019 Batch #370 12 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 27, 2019 Batch #406 10 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Caitlin von Witt Mother Nursery
Jun 27, 2019 Batch #403 10 doily crassula
Crassula dejecta
Caitlin von Witt Mother Nursery
Jun 27, 2019 Batch #404 16 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Caitlin von Witt Mother Nursery
Jun 27, 2019 Batch #401 9 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Caitlin von Witt Mother Nursery
Jun 27, 2019 Batch #405 15 Cliffortia hirta Caitlin von Witt Mother Nursery
Jun 27, 2019 Batch #402 30 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Caitlin von Witt Mother Nursery
Jun 27, 2019 Batch #400 20 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Caitlin von Witt Mother Nursery
Jul 01, 2019 Batch #407 1 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Amsterdam
Jul 01, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Amsterdam
Jul 01, 2019 Batch #359 3 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Amsterdam
Jul 01, 2019 Batch #363 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Amsterdam
Jul 01, 2019 Batch #375 1 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Amsterdam
Jul 01, 2019 Batch #468 3 Bush violet
Barleria obtusa
Plant cluster #251 Mother Nursery
Jul 01, 2019 Batch #369 6 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Amsterdam
Jul 01, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Amsterdam
Jul 08, 2019 Batch #231 230 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 20, 2019 Batch #400 10 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 20, 2019 Batch #406 10 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 20, 2019 Batch #403 10 doily crassula
Crassula dejecta
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 20, 2019 Batch #404 16 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 20, 2019 Batch #405 15 Cliffortia hirta Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 20, 2019 Batch #402 30 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 23, 2019 Batch #108 76 Cluster Spiderhead
Serruria glomerata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 23, 2019 Batch #356 2 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #371 34 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #174 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #360 9 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #368 2 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #400 10 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #359 9 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #361 15 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #363 5 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #381 20 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #364 2 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 24, 2019 Batch #365 6 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 27, 2019 Batch #358 4 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 27, 2019 Batch #364 4 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 27, 2019 Batch #368 4 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 27, 2019 Batch #365 2 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 27, 2019 Batch #360 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 27, 2019 Batch #359 14 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 27, 2019 Batch #99 36 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 31, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 31, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 31, 2019 Batch #368 1 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 31, 2019 Batch #362 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 31, 2019 Batch #361 5 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 31, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 05, 2019 Batch #342 8 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 12, 2019 Batch #415 16 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Aug 12, 2019 Batch #414 58 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Aug 15, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 15, 2019 Batch #365 3 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 15, 2019 Batch #362 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 15, 2019 Batch #367 3 Elands sour fig
Carpobrotus acinaciformis
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 15, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 20, 2019 Batch #174 30 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 20, 2019 Batch #385 4 Felicia heterophylla Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 20, 2019 Batch #393 12 small bush violet
Baleria repens
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 20, 2019 Batch #98 100 Painted Lady
Gladiolus undulatus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 21, 2019 Batch #381 3 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 21, 2019 Batch #149 166 Camphor-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium betulinum
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 21, 2019 Batch #23 104 Cape agapanthus
Agapanthus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 22, 2019 Batch #371 5 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 24, 2019 Batch #359 15 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 24, 2019 Batch #363 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 24, 2019 Batch #360 5 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 24, 2019 Batch #407 3 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 24, 2019 Batch #245 1 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 28, 2019 Batch #391 1 Lampranthus spectabilis Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 28, 2019 Batch #371 2 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 28, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 28, 2019 Batch #365 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 28, 2019 Batch #363 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 29, 2019 Batch #369 1 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 29, 2019 Batch #360 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 29, 2019 Batch #370 3 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 29, 2019 Batch #363 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 29, 2019 Batch #381 3 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 29, 2019 Batch #387 1 Snake flower
Bulbine frutescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 29, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 04, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 04, 2019 Batch #364 1 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 04, 2019 Batch #368 1 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 04, 2019 Batch #369 1 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 04, 2019 Batch #360 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 04, 2019 Batch #370 4 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 04, 2019 Batch #362 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 04, 2019 Batch #387 1 Snake flower
Bulbine frutescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #365 2 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #387 2 Snake flower
Bulbine frutescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #386 5 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #375 1 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #361 6 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #362 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #368 1 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #174 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 05, 2019 Batch #363 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 06, 2019 Batch #359 8 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 06, 2019 Batch #363 9 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 06, 2019 Batch #360 4 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 06, 2019 Batch #407 9 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 06, 2019 Batch #245 1 Kranz aloe
Aloe arborescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 06, 2019 Batch #369 1 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 11, 2019 Batch #363 8 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 11, 2019 Batch #369 1 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 11, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 11, 2019 Batch #361 18 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 11, 2019 Batch #365 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 11, 2019 Batch #381 4 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 12, 2019 Batch #365 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 13, 2019 Batch #360 20 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 16, 2019 Batch #341 22 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 16, 2019 Batch #389 20 Lampranthus spectabilis Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 17, 2019 Batch #361 2 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 17, 2019 Batch #99 3 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 17, 2019 Batch #360 8 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #174 4 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #382 2 Treasure flower
Gazania rigens var. uniflora
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #368 2 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #365 2 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #360 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #363 3 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #362 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #380 2 White daisy bush
Dimorphotheca fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 18, 2019 Batch #383 2 Clumping Gazania
Gazania rigens var. rigens
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 19, 2019 Batch #362 4 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 19, 2019 Batch #360 3 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 19, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 19, 2019 Batch #361 6 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 19, 2019 Batch #363 42 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #360 3 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Wildacres
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #362 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Wildacres
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #360 5 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #364 3 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #364 2 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Wildacres
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #121 67 White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #359 3 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Wildacres
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #369 3 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #359 2 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #367 6 Elands sour fig
Carpobrotus acinaciformis
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 20, 2019 Batch #141 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 25, 2019 Batch #398 4 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 30, 2019 Batch #363 2 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 30, 2019 Batch #360 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 30, 2019 Batch #364 2 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 30, 2019 Batch #359 2 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 30, 2019 Batch #369 1 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 01, 2019 Batch #458 45 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Plant cluster #249 Mother Nursery
Oct 01, 2019 Batch #459 8 Narrow-leaved iceplant
Conicosia pugioniformis
Plant cluster #250 Mother Nursery
Oct 02, 2019 Batch #174 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 02, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 02, 2019 Batch #364 1 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 02, 2019 Batch #368 1 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 02, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #369 1 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Gaby's nursery
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #141 3 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Gaby's nursery
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #363 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #141 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Gaby's nursery
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #360 3 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Gaby's nursery
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #364 3 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Gaby's nursery
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 04, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2019 Batch #364 2 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2019 Batch #359 2 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2019 Batch #369 10 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2019 Batch #360 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2019 Batch #361 6 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2019 Batch #362 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 09, 2019 Batch #363 2 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 10, 2019 Batch #99 2 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 10, 2019 Batch #361 5 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 10, 2019 Batch #362 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #360 9 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #369 1 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #364 2 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #361 6 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #362 11 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #365 2 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #363 3 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #359 10 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 15, 2019 Batch #358 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 16, 2019 Batch #174 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 16, 2019 Batch #383 1 Clumping Gazania
Gazania rigens var. rigens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 16, 2019 Batch #386 6 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 16, 2019 Batch #375 1 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 16, 2019 Batch #382 1 Treasure flower
Gazania rigens var. uniflora
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 16, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 16, 2019 Batch #407 2 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 16, 2019 Batch #368 3 Cape Town pea
Otholobium bracteolatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 19, 2019 Batch #362 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Bukiwe's Nursery
Oct 20, 2019 Batch #364 1 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Oct 20, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Oct 20, 2019 Batch #369 1 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Oct 20, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Oct 23, 2019 Batch #364 1 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 23, 2019 Batch #360 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 24, 2019 Batch #387 1 Snake flower
Bulbine frutescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 24, 2019 Batch #359 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 24, 2019 Batch #360 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 24, 2019 Batch #365 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 24, 2019 Batch #458 12 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 24, 2019 Batch #361 1 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 24, 2019 Batch #174 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 24, 2019 Batch #364 2 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 26, 2019 Batch #364 7 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 31, 2019 Batch #362 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Nov 08, 2019 Batch #459 1 Narrow-leaved iceplant
Conicosia pugioniformis
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Nov 11, 2019 Batch #443 20 Cape honeysuckle
Tecoma capensis
N2 Patch Mother Nursery
Nov 11, 2019 Batch #442 20 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Koornhoop corner garden Mother Nursery
Nov 11, 2019 Batch #444 43 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Nov 11, 2019 Batch #440 32 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Thandokhulu garden Mother Nursery
Nov 12, 2019 Batch #446 15 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Ryan road Mother Nursery
Nov 12, 2019 Batch #445 25 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Huis Luckoff Mother Nursery
Nov 12, 2019 Batch #447 10 Num-num
Carissa macrocarpa
Ryan road Mother Nursery
Nov 19, 2019 Batch #356 33 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 21, 2019 Batch #397 1 Lampranthus stenus Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 30, 2019 Batch #415 4 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Nov 30, 2019 Batch #414 2 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Nov 30, 2019 Batch #375 2 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Nov 30, 2019 Batch #366 1 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Nov 30, 2019 Batch #341 3 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Nov 30, 2019 Batch #445 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Nov 30, 2019 Batch #399 2 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Nov 30, 2019 Batch #174 3 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Dec 03, 2019 Batch #360 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 05, 2019 Batch #442 20 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 05, 2019 Batch #444 35 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 05, 2019 Batch #440 32 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 09, 2019 Batch #467 1 Tickberry
Osteospermum moniliferum
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Dec 09, 2019 Batch #443 1 Cape honeysuckle
Tecoma capensis
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 09, 2019 Batch #445 4 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 09, 2019 Batch #467 130 Tickberry
Osteospermum moniliferum
Westlake Conservation Centre Mother Nursery
Dec 10, 2019 Batch #231 5 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 10, 2019 Batch #409 31 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Nadine´s nursery Mother Nursery
Dec 10, 2019 Batch #443 19 Cape honeysuckle
Tecoma capensis
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 10, 2019 Batch #410 2 Cape honeysuckle
Tecoma capensis
Nadine´s nursery Mother Nursery
Dec 10, 2019 Batch #407 68 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Nadine´s nursery Mother Nursery
Dec 10, 2019 Batch #413 78 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Bukiwe's Nursery Mother Nursery
Dec 10, 2019 Batch #413 30 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Dec 10, 2019 Batch #445 20 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jan 08, 2020 Batch #369 3 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jan 08, 2020 Batch #383 5 Clumping Gazania
Gazania rigens var. rigens
Mother Nursery Perished
Jan 08, 2020 Batch #380 14 White daisy bush
Dimorphotheca fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Jan 08, 2020 Batch #385 4 Felicia heterophylla Mother Nursery Perished
Jan 09, 2020 Batch #371 10 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jan 10, 2020 Batch #174 13 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jan 20, 2020 Batch #453 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Huis Luckoff Mother Nursery
Jan 20, 2020 Batch #451 25 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Huis Luckoff Mother Nursery
Jan 20, 2020 Batch #454 10 rough-leaf African mallow, sand rose, pink mallow, hairy mallow
Anisodontea scabrosa
Huis Luckoff Mother Nursery
Jan 20, 2020 Batch #456 16 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jan 20, 2020 Batch #455 50 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Jan 23, 2020 Batch #457 86 Elephants Food
Portulacaria afra
Sun Path Mother Nursery
Feb 12, 2020 Batch #446 2 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Feb 20, 2020 Batch #174 20 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Feb 20, 2020 Batch #456 16 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 02, 2020 Batch #461 60 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Ryan road Mother Nursery
Mar 03, 2020 Batch #458 33 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 03, 2020 Batch #459 5 Narrow-leaved iceplant
Conicosia pugioniformis
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 03, 2020 Batch #455 6 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 04, 2020 Batch #460 11 Wormwood
Artemisia afra
Brooms at Basil Nursery Mother Nursery
Mar 04, 2020 Batch #193 20 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Arundel Seedbank Mother Nursery
Mar 10, 2020 Batch #380 1 White daisy bush
Dimorphotheca fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 10, 2020 Batch #174 3 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 10, 2020 Batch #231 3 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 10, 2020 Batch #383 1 Clumping Gazania
Gazania rigens var. rigens
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 10, 2020 Batch #387 1 Snake flower
Bulbine frutescens
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 10, 2020 Batch #382 1 Treasure flower
Gazania rigens var. uniflora
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 10, 2020 Batch #121 49 White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 11, 2020 Batch #370 3 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 18, 2020 Batch #371 5 Lobster bush
Plectranthus neochilus
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 19, 2020 Batch #467 14 Tickberry
Osteospermum moniliferum
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 19, 2020 Batch #385 1 Felicia heterophylla Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #470 2 Erica verticillata Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #366 11 Sour fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #454 10 rough-leaf African mallow, sand rose, pink mallow, hairy mallow
Anisodontea scabrosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #357 22 Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #413 48 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #105 80 Pelargonium myrrhifolium Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #399 10 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #361 38 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #407 34 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #455 32 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 24, 2020 Batch #469 3 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #407 8 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #467 9 Tickberry
Osteospermum moniliferum
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #231 1 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #360 5 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #193 1 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #415 5 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #453 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #409 4 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #414 4 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #392 45 Salvia thermarum Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #446 2 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #444 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 25, 2020 Batch #134 2 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #482 7 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #447 10 Num-num
Carissa macrocarpa
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #473 3 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Huis Luckoff Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #475 44 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Bishops Boys Patch Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #481 23 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Arundel Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #154 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #478 51 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Bishops Boys Patch Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #414 2 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Wilderoosmaryn se Kwekery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #472 28 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Huis Luckoff Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #407 2 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Wilderoosmaryn se Kwekery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #476 76 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Bishops Boys Patch Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #446 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Wilderoosmaryn se Kwekery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #470 3 Erica verticillata Mother Nursery Wilderoosmaryn se Kwekery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #474 26 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Huis Luckoff Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #480 90 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Arundel Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #477 231 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Bishops Boys Patch Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #471 3 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Amsterdam Mother Nursery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #474 3 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Wilderoosmaryn se Kwekery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #480 1 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Wilderoosmaryn se Kwekery
Mar 26, 2020 Batch #479 10 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Bishops Boys Patch Mother Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Hazel Bradely's nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Pearl's Playground
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Craig Meltze
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #476 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Pearl's Playground
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Heatherton Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Dante Harck
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #474 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Hazel Bradely's nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Emmanuel Pousse
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Hazel Bradely's nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #482 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Dante Harck
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #482 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Minette’s nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #473 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Heatherton Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Catherine Dubbeld
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Carol's Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #475 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Catherine Dubbeld
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Minette’s nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #476 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Carol's Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Hazel Bradely's nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Pearl's Playground
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #474 3 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Catherine Dubbeld
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Pearl's Playground
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Heatherton Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #482 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Craig Meltze
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #473 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Hazel Bradely's nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Craig Meltze
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Emmanuel Pousse
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #475 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Craig Meltze
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Heatherton Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Dante Harck
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #472 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Heatherton Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #476 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Emmanuel Pousse
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Catherine Dubbeld
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Carol's Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #476 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Catherine Dubbeld
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Carol's Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Hazel Bradely's nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #473 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Catherine Dubbeld
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Minette’s nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #482 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Dante Harck
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #475 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Minette’s nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Hazel Bradely's nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Pearl's Playground
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #472 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Hazel Bradely's nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #476 6 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Craig Meltze
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Emmanuel Pousse
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #476 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Craig Meltze
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Emmanuel Pousse
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Catherine Dubbeld
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Dante Harck
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #482 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Pearl's Playground
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #475 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Dante Harck
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Catherine Dubbeld
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Carol's Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #472 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Emmanuel Pousse
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Minette’s nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #476 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Minette’s nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Craig Meltze
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Pearl's Playground
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #482 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Carol's Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Emmanuel Pousse
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #475 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Pearl's Playground
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Craig Meltze
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #472 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Heatherton Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #479 1 Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
Mother Nursery Dante Harck
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #471 1 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #476 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Dante Harck
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #481 2 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Minette’s nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #474 10 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Heatherton Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #477 23 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Carol's Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 9 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Heatherton Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #482 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Emmanuel Pousse
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #480 8 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Fernanda Almeida
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #475 7 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Carol's Nursery
Mar 27, 2020 Batch #478 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Minette’s nursery
Mar 30, 2020 Batch #231 2 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Mar 30, 2020 Batch #451 7 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Mar 30, 2020 Batch #398 5 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Mar 30, 2020 Batch #364 1 Solanum africanum Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Mar 30, 2020 Batch #481 3 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Mar 30, 2020 Batch #444 4 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 01, 2020 Batch #470 5 Erica verticillata Kirstenbosch Seedroom Mother Nursery
Apr 16, 2020 Batch #459 1 Narrow-leaved iceplant
Conicosia pugioniformis
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 16, 2020 Batch #444 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 16, 2020 Batch #467 1 Tickberry
Osteospermum moniliferum
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 16, 2020 Batch #193 1 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 16, 2020 Batch #231 1 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 16, 2020 Batch #174 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 16, 2020 Batch #134 1 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 17, 2020 Batch #484 32 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Arundel Nursery
Apr 17, 2020 Batch #484 32 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Plant cluster # Mother Nursery
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #471 2 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #174 4 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #134 4 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #469 3 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #475 2 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #99 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #174 4 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Fynroots
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #415 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #193 2 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #141 40 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Fynroots
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #489 50 Erica verticillata Arnelia Nursery Mother Nursery
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #415 3 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Fynroots
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #451 5 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #409 4 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #401 4 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 02, 2020 Batch #490 79 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jun 03, 2020 Batch #485 80 White Bristle Bush
Metalasia muricata
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jun 03, 2020 Batch #488 60 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jun 03, 2020 Batch #486 91 The Dentist Athanasia
Athanasia dentata
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jun 03, 2020 Batch #487 35 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jun 08, 2020 Batch #461 6 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 08, 2020 Batch #101 2 Cluster Spiderhead
Serruria glomerata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 08, 2020 Batch #231 1 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 08, 2020 Batch #409 2 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 11, 2020 Batch #193 1 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Mother Nursery Fynroots
Jun 11, 2020 Batch #231 1 Silver sweet pea bush
Podalyria sericea
Mother Nursery Fynroots
Jun 11, 2020 Batch #486 2 The Dentist Athanasia
Athanasia dentata
Mother Nursery Fynroots
Jun 15, 2020 Batch #487 3 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 15, 2020 Batch #490 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 15, 2020 Batch #486 1 The Dentist Athanasia
Athanasia dentata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 18, 2020 Batch #184 30 Dune crow-berry
Searsia crenata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 18, 2020 Batch #146 2 Silver tree
Leucadendron argenteum
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 18, 2020 Batch #288 6 Blue fingers
Curio crassulifolius
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 18, 2020 Batch #284 1 Sugarbush
Protea repens
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 18, 2020 Batch #150 1 Sugarbush
Protea repens
Mother Nursery Perished
Jun 30, 2020 Batch #489 4 Erica verticillata Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 09, 2020 Batch #489 4 Erica verticillata Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 22, 2020 Batch #492 46 Everlasting
Helichrysum petiolare
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jul 22, 2020 Batch #495 18 Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jul 22, 2020 Batch #493 85 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jul 22, 2020 Batch #491 10 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jul 23, 2020 Batch #490 8 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 23, 2020 Batch #486 10 The Dentist Athanasia
Athanasia dentata
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 23, 2020 Batch #487 1 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 23, 2020 Batch #485 8 White Bristle Bush
Metalasia muricata
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 23, 2020 Batch #492 5 Everlasting
Helichrysum petiolare
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 23, 2020 Batch #493 5 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 23, 2020 Batch #488 5 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 24, 2020 Batch #490 5 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 27, 2020 Batch #496 100 Carpet pea
Otholobium virgatum
Cape Flats Life Mother Nursery
Jul 30, 2020 Batch #467 15 Tickberry
Osteospermum moniliferum
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 30, 2020 Batch #461 5 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 30, 2020 Batch #496 10 Carpet pea
Otholobium virgatum
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 30, 2020 Batch #446 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 30, 2020 Batch #451 5 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Nadine´s nursery
Jul 31, 2020 Batch #415 3 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Jul 31, 2020 Batch #451 3 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 06, 2020 Batch #488 3 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 07, 2020 Batch #486 3 The Dentist Athanasia
Athanasia dentata
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 14, 2020 Batch #492 2 Everlasting
Helichrysum petiolare
Mother Nursery Perished
Aug 23, 2020 Batch #501 84 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Amsterdam Mother Nursery
Aug 23, 2020 Batch #502 42 Dimorphotheca pluvialis Amsterdam Mother Nursery
Aug 25, 2020 Batch #498 249 strawberry spiderhead
Serruria foeniculacea.
Veld & Fynbos Mother Nursery
Sep 04, 2020 Batch #488 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Marlise's Nursery
Sep 04, 2020 Batch #490 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Marlise's Nursery
Sep 04, 2020 Batch #486 2 The Dentist Athanasia
Athanasia dentata
Mother Nursery Marlise's Nursery
Sep 04, 2020 Batch #492 2 Everlasting
Helichrysum petiolare
Mother Nursery Marlise's Nursery
Sep 04, 2020 Batch #496 1 Carpet pea
Otholobium virgatum
Mother Nursery Marlise's Nursery
Sep 09, 2020 Batch #491 5 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Busiswa
Sep 09, 2020 Batch #485 7 White Bristle Bush
Metalasia muricata
Mother Nursery Busiswa
Sep 09, 2020 Batch #486 1 The Dentist Athanasia
Athanasia dentata
Mother Nursery Busiswa
Sep 22, 2020 Batch #490 1 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 22, 2020 Batch #501 4 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 22, 2020 Batch #414 3 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 22, 2020 Batch #493 1 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 22, 2020 Batch #193 1 Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 22, 2020 Batch #409 2 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Sep 22, 2020 Batch #496 1 Carpet pea
Otholobium virgatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #477 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #174 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #496 9 Carpet pea
Otholobium virgatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #502 2 Dimorphotheca pluvialis Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #455 1 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #487 2 Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #467 2 Tickberry
Osteospermum moniliferum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #490 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #501 7 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #414 1 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #461 4 Silver arctotis
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #493 7 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #492 4 Everlasting
Helichrysum petiolare
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 06, 2020 Batch #409 3 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #493 2 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #492 1 Everlasting
Helichrysum petiolare
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #409 1 Churl bush
Tetragonia fruticosa
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #488 2 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #496 3 Carpet pea
Otholobium virgatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #444 1 Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium capitatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #455 1 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #149 1 Camphor-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium betulinum
Mother Nursery Perished
Oct 20, 2020 Batch #490 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #496 4 Carpet pea
Otholobium virgatum
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #493 2 Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #174 1 Yellow noon flower
Lampranthus glaucus
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #492 2 Everlasting
Helichrysum petiolare
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #488 2 Wild rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #455 1 Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #467 1 Tickberry
Osteospermum moniliferum
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #486 2 The Dentist Athanasia
Athanasia dentata
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #490 2 Brown Sage
Salvia africana-lutea
Mother Nursery Perished
Nov 17, 2020 Batch #501 2 Touch-me-not
Melianthus major
Mother Nursery Perished

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